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Selected Readings

  • An excerpt from Srila Prabhupada's purport to BG 9.2:

In the Srimad-Bhägavatam it is also confirmed that when one becomes purified by executing the process of devotional service, especially by hearing Srimad-Bhägavatam or Bhagavad-gita from realized souls, then he can understand the science of Krsna, or the science of God. Evam prasanna-manaso bhagavad-bhakti yogatah. When one's heart is cleared of all nonsense, then one can understand what God is. Thus the process of devotional service, of Krsna consciousness, is the king of all education and the king of all confidential knowledge. It is the purest form of religion, and it can be executed joyfully without difficulty. Therefore one should adopt it.


  • An excerpt from Srila Prabhupada's purport to SB 1.8.5

3. The protection of women maintains the chastity of society, by which we can get a good generation for peace, tranquillity and progress of life.

4. The protection of children gives the human form of life its best chance to prepare the way of liberty from material bondage. Such protection of children begins from the very day of begetting a child by the purificatory process of garbhädhäna-saàskära, the beginning of pure life.


  • "Example is better than precept."  (SB lecture, 15th January, 1970)


  • "In my books the philosophy of Krsna consciousness is explained fully, so if there's anything you do not understand, then you simply have to read again and again. By reading daily the knowledge will be revealed to you, and by this process your spiritual life will develop...You may please me the most by reading my books and following the instructions therein."   (Srila Prabhupada letter to Bahurupa, November 22, 1974)


  • "All the devotees connected with the Krsna consciousness movement must read all the books that have been translated (the Caitanya-caritämrta, Srimad-Bhägavatam, Bhagavad-gita and others); otherwise, after some time, they will simply eat, sleep and fall down from their position. Thus they will miss the opportunity to attain an eternal, blissful life of transcendental pleasure.” (Cc Madhya-lila 25.278)


  • DISTRIBUTING THE BOOKS WILL MAKE DEVOTEES.  ”The most important aspect of our preching is kirtana. Induce people to chant, that is the only thing. The goal is to make devotees and books. Both are required. Distributing the books will make devotees. – Srila Prabhupada, TNOBD Pg 64 – 1.7, Jan 11, 1976.


  • Distribution of books and magazines is our most important activity. Without books, our preaching has no solid basis.- Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Cyavana, 26th December, 1971.


  • The Lord is harder than the thunderbolt for the wrongdoer and softer than the rose for the faithful.
    Srimad Bhagavatam 3.3.13, Srila Prabhupada


  • He is the father of everyone but when His devotee takes it for granted that the Lord is to be protected by the devotee’s care, it is a transcendental joy for the Lord. - Srimad Bhagavatam 3.2.26


  • This, our book distribution, is the most important task in our society. Therefore I am giving so much stress and I am working so hard on this because this is my life and soul according to the order of my Guru Maharaja and by his grace it is to some extent successful. I took it seriously. I take it seriously now. That is my life and soul. I never tried in India to Construct big temple or even in your country we didn’t. I never tried but i was selling personally books. That is the history. - Srila Prabhupada

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